Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dec 20 - More Toulouse

Well, there was another nice day with sun in Toulouse, and I got a few more photos. This brings the total for December up to three days with sunshine. Toulouse is a beautiful city, but the weather in Nov, Dec (verified firsthand) and I suppose Jan, Feb leaves something to be desired. I've enjoyed my stay in Toulouse and look forward to coming back with Jamie at year end.

More Toulouse

My school, Langue Onze, has been good for me. Instead of being one of the young students, as I was at my school in Nov, here I'm the oldest student by a wide margin. Every other student I met was between 18 and 28. However, I felt like one of the group and went out for beers a couple times with students from my class.

I lived chez Mme Garcia, who rents out a couple rooms of her apartment to students from Langue Onze. During my stay, the second rented room was occupied by Hanna, a delightful young German woman, who was studying French to assist her in the first half of 2009, when she will be working at French-speaking refugee camps in Cameroon. Hanna and I walked to school every day and got a lot of practice speaking French during our daily walks.

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