Monday, December 1, 2008

Dec 1 - Langue Onze in Toulouse

I opted to try two schools in France, the second one being Langue Onze, located in Toulouse.

It is much larger than Ludoexpression, and has a younger student body. The two schools are very different and I like them both very much.

Langue Onze, Toulouse

The students although much youngerthan I have been very accepting of me and we'vegone for beers several times. I'm again staying with a French family, (Mme Garcia - a hot French babe), and there is a second student staying chez Garcia.

True to form, there have several strikes since we've been here. I have some shots of a manifestation, the French word for strike. I was surprised to learn that it was in fact the French University Students complaining about too much work.

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