Friday, November 14, 2008

Nov 3 - School Starts

I've made my way to Ludoexpression School, a very small school located in the village of Villegailhenc, 10km north of Carcassonne.,

The school is run by a couple, Dominique (the teacher), and her husband, Luc (administration and publicity). Part of my objective was to live with a French family, thereby increasing my exposure to the French language and the French culture. No problem, says Luc, come stay with us! I have to say, this is the first time I have lived with the professor.

Villegailhenc (near Carcassonne)

It was a very positive experience. I was able to learn from Luc and Dominique as well as their two chilldren, Fabien and Cyril.

The village of Carcassonne was nearby and is a must see if you are in the area. I also became friends with John, a retired RAF pilot who lives in this area, and Jenny & Will, an American couple who spend most of their time in France now. Everyone I met here was very kind.

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