Monday, March 17, 2008

Yuksom Mar 18

Tue, Mar 18 - Gangtok to Yuksom

Bikash says we must meet at 6:30AM outside his office. It's hell but somehow I schlep my heavy bag the 400 yards to his office. I hope I've not done permanent damage. I probably should have hired a cab but it irks me to use a cab to move such a short distance when all travel within the city is a fixed rate.

Fortunately, his staff carry the bag down to the jeep stand where we find the jeep to Yuksom. Bikash has booked three seats together for himself, Yogesh (the guide who took me to Lingdum), and myself. Bikash gives me the window seat for which I'm grateful. It's an uneventful drive and we arrive in Yuksom in the afternoon, staying at the Dragon Hotel, a small place with a friendly familial staff. I go to bed early, knowing we have much walking to do tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoying reading your travels! Awesome pics, just like being there, well maybe not. Cassandra