Saturday, July 26, 2008

July 25 - Squires Becomes US Citizen

It finally happened. I became a US Citizen today, Friday July 25 at 11:15 PDT. If you had told me 25 years ago that I would become a US Citizen one day, I'd have bet a lot of money that would never be the case. Most Canadians grow up with an innate distrust and even dislike of the US. I think this stems from being pushed around by the US, the feelings are the same as you harbor for a neighborhood bully.

US Citizen

Even seven years ago, although my view had softened somewhat, I didn't think I would become a US Citizen. In the past five years, however, I've come to believe that the US is a pretty special country, where almost anyone can realize their dreams, whatever they may be. Don't get me wrong, there are still plenty of things wrong with the US, George Bush probably being at the top of the list, but for all the things which are broken, or truly onerous, there are many other things which are working better than most other places in the world.

I've just spent several months traveling in India and Nepal. The corruption in government at all levels is just amazing. People in the US complain at how corrupt things are here. The level of transparency in government here is much, much better than most other countries. The press is allowed to print virtually anything. There are max terms on the presidency. There are regular elections. The number of positives far outweigh the negatives, and I proudly say I'm an American (perhaps with a qualifier of not having voted for Bush).

That being said, both Canada and the US recognize dual citizenship, so I don't have to give up my Canadian citizenship.